I rarely use salt to season my food, and with good reason! One teaspoon of salt includes approximately 2300 mg of sodium…that’s all we need for an entire DAY!
I choose to add flavor to my food with salt-free seasonings, spices, and herbs. One of my favorite is curry powder.
Since curry powder typically consists of approximately 11 different herbs and spices, it is no surprise that this rich seasoning packs many powerful health benefits! The main ingredient found in curry powder is turmeric, which provides curry with its recognizable yellow color. Turmeric has been used in India for many years as an antiseptic agent. Current research also points to turmeric as having the ability to reduce inflammation,  protect against heart disease, cancer, and even Alzheimer’s disease!
Here is one of my favorite recipes that uses curry…and lots of it! Check it out: Curried Tofu Scramble with Spinach Let me know how you like it!
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