Without fail, it seems like this time of year, I get sick.  However, with a busy toddler, I’m doing everything in my power to help boost our immunity here at home in order to prevent any type of sickness from creeping up on us.
The winter season is when we need our energy more than ever, but the hustle and bustle can be absolutely draining, which can send our immune systems spiraling. Thankfully, there are scientifically-proven ways to boost our immunity in some very natural ways. They are cost-effective and accessible to everyone…not to mention some of them actually taste really good!
Here are 6 ways to keep your immune system at its peak performance and keep the sniffles at bay:
- Get friendly with garlic: Let’s be honest, my last name is ‘Zanini’ and so my Italian husband always has garlic in the house. When I saw there was a study that observed when healthy people took a garlic supplement  for three months in cold and flu season, their immune cells more active than those who took a placebo…I was in! (1). Reap the benefits by taking a high-quality garlic supplement, or if you don’t mind the garlic breath, use raw, crushed garlic (which shows similar results to garlic pills in studies(2)), in everything from salad dressings to homemade hummus.
- Go with your Gut: More and more studies are exploring the link between our immune system and our gut. The good bacteria (microbiota) that live and thrive in our gut play a major role in the strength of our immune system. To keep the healthy flora in tip-top shape, get probiotics from fermented foods like kimchi, miso, yogurt, and kombucha. Research indicates that probiotics improve the immune response and increase production of immune cells (3).
- Focus on Fiber: Prebiotic fiber is the specific type of food that keeps the gut bacteria happy and healthy. When bacteria ferment this fiber in our gut, short chain fatty acids are released. Studies show that these short chain fatty acids play a role as immuno-modulators and increase the production of T-regulatory cells, which help to regulate other immune cells and the immune response (4). Translation? Eating plenty of prebiotic fiber from artichokes, onion, garlic, asparagus, bananas, and jicama will actually help give your immune system that extra boost we need during the cold and flu season.
- Ditch the spoonful of sugar: Evidence suggests that simple sugars such as cookies, sweetened beverages, and many highly processed foods are serious killers to white blood cells’ defense mechanisms to guard the body from foreign invaders (5).  Yet another reason to reduce sugar intake and opt for whole fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth most of the time.Â
- Get some Sun: Or vitamin D, that is. Studies show that vitamin D is a major immune system regulator that plays a role in the expression and activation of several types of immune cells. Those with low vitamin D levels are also more likely to get sick (6). Be sure to get at least 15 minutes of SPF-free sun exposure, and consume vitamin D rich food sources like cod liver oil and oily fish like salmon and herring.
- Spice it up: Spices and roots such as turmeric, clove, coriander, and ginger  have been shown to act as anti-inflammatory agents, improve the immune system response, increase antibodies, and act as an antibacterial agent in the body (7). Spices couldn’t be easier to incorporate into your diet. Use them whenever you are cooking to add a boost of flavor. Make your own immune-boosting spice mix so you always have it on hand.
Do you have any other cold-fighting tips that you swear by? Share below. We all need as many ideas as we can get! 🙂 And don’t forget to sleep…it’s the ultimate stress-fighting, immune boosting strategy. (and if you are a new mom like me, well….try your best! Ha!)
Sistema imunológico says
That’s very informative!
lorizanini says
Thank you, I’m glad it was helpful!
Dana Simmons says
I just saw my doctor. My blood test showed that my antibodies are low. Im going in for a immunoglobulin infusion this coming week. I am also going to boost my immune system with the spices that you have suggested. Thank you very much
lorizanini says
Hi Dana, thanks for your comment…my 10 month old daughter has low antibodies as well, so I can relate to what you are going through. I’m glad to hear you are doing both natural remedies and Immunoglobulin therapy to help. I’m wishing you all the best! 🙂
Manpreet Singh says
Great article! I have read your blog, and it is awesome and informative. I have learnt great facts about the spice after reading it. It is so amazing to know how beneficial the spices can be for our body and immune system.