Every day, I get the amazing opportunity to talk with people about what they’re eating. Interestingly, there’s one thing that we all have in common…
The actual foods that we’re putting into our bodies are always just the tip of the iceberg. It’s what lies below the surface that better informs our decision-making process when it comes to food, and ultimately, what will affect our long term health.
Let me further explain.
By simply asking someone to describe their typical meal, you can peel back the layers and learn a lot about them…their daily schedule, how their work is structured, their family life, their budget, how they relax, who they eat their meals with, how they deal with stress, and so on.
It’s never just about the food. There are many of factors that play into our daily decisions of what, when, where, and why we eat.
Unfortunately, somewhere along the way we’ve been conditioned to believe that in order to improve our health, we need to take things away in order to see the results.
Good news…that doesn’t hold true over time. For the most successful and lasting changes, we need to add to our diet and daily routines, not take away from it!
And it’s not just about what we are eating.
Yes, of course, we all want to improve our metabolism, right?
Wait, but what is metabolism? There are many products out there that claim to ‘boost your metabolism’ but that random pill certainly can’t explain it (and spoiler alert, it won’t help either!)
Metabolism, also referred to as our metabolic rate, is the way our body uses the energy it receives from the food we eat. And the exciting reality is that there are very simple (and delicious!) ways to improve our metabolism.
Truly improving our metabolism is not an elusive fad, it’s science-based and has been proven over time. As a diabetes educator, I’m always looking for ways to simplify the science, as well as the ‘to-do list’, so that we can make realistic and sustainable changes!
Which is why I spent the last few months researching ways that will both IMPROVE blood sugar levels WHILE increasing our metabolism, thus creating a unique combo for energizing and fat-burning results.
This research led me to create a free guide that provides 8 simple steps to help you have more energy and better results.
And if you have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, a small amount of weight loss will help reduce or reverse your risk for diabetes-related complications. We are talking about 4-18 lbs, initially [1]. That’s doable.
So, if you are ready to get started and be on your way to amazing results by the end of this week, I invite you to download my free ‘8 Proven Ways To Improve Your Metabolism (And Blood Sugar!)’.
Just click HERE, input your email address, and it will be delivered directly to your inbox right away.
- http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/38/Supplement_1/S20
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